Monday, September 30, 2019

Abortion in Ancient Times

Procedure of abortion is known since ancient times. The word abortion is came the Latin abortus where â€Å"ab† means â€Å"amiss† and â€Å"oriri† means â€Å"likely to be born, arise†. Along with infanticide it has existed in many societies, both primitive and advanced. The earliest records of an abortive technique go back about 4,600 years to an ancient Chinese work, purportedly the work of Emperor Shen Nung which prescribes the use of mercury to induce an abortion. In ancient ages pessaries or vaginal suppositories were used as an abortifacients.They are generally more effective than oral drugs and included substances such as juice of the wild fig, a â€Å"dairy liquid† ,which caused irritation, soapwort, myrrh, myrtle, lupine, cedar-oil mixed with water, wine, or hot oil. Ancient doctors also suggested smearing on the uterine opening goose fat, mashed leek and celery, rose oils, pine resin, copper scum, boiled honey, sodium carbonate, and even mouse dung. The Egyptian Kahun Papyrus, which dates to 1850 B. C. , recommend crocodile feces either for preventing conception or as an abortifacient.The Ebers Papyrus, which dates to 1550 B. C. , contains several recipes that â€Å"cause a woman to stop pregnancy in the first, second, or third period. † One recipe for a vaginal suppository includes mixed the unripe fruit of Acacia, colocynth, dates, and 6/7 pints of honey and pouring the mixture onto a moistened plant fiber. Modern Arabic women still take colocynth as an abortifacient, though one woman who took 120 grains in a powder died 50 hours later. In Arabic medicine, elephant feces were frequently recommended.Aristotle suggests that the conceptus had a â€Å"soul† after 40 days from conception if a male and 90 if female. In addition there are similar differentiations in the Bible. Later, Aristotle says that the fetus develops gradually and that it is impossible to make a fine judgment. Famous doctors such as Pl iny the Elder, Dioscorides, and Pseudo-Galen mention more â€Å"superstitious† abortifacients, like passage over the root of a cyclamen, the egg of a crow, a snake, or a stone which was bitten by a dog. Ancient physicians also used pessaries, or vaginal suppositories, as abortifacients.They were usually more potent than oral drugs and included substances like the juice of the wild fig, a â€Å"milky liquid† which caused irritation, soapwort, myrrh, myrtle, lupine, cedar-oil mixed with water, wine, or hot oil. Physicians also recommend smearing on the uterine opening goose fat, mashed leek and celery, rose oils, pine resin, copper scum, boiled honey, sodium carbonate, and even mouse dung. In the Middle Ages, abortion was tolerated because there were no laws against it. There were a variety of abortifacients, such as mixture called â€Å"cup of roots† and another known as a â€Å"A Cure for All Kinds of Stomach Aches. However after long time, therapeutic abortion is one of the most controversial subjects in modern society, is evident capable of generating intense passions, that lead to a great number of other social issues. In recent decades, on a global scalethere is increasing pressure for changes in abortion which could lead to a various consequences. A great number of people have the view that abortion is a matter merely between a woman and her attending physician. There is another opinion that ultimately abortion should be granted on request.According to the statistics of UN’s Department of Economic and social Affairs of 2007 year, about 97% of countries around the world allow abortion in the event of an emergency, when women’s life is in explicit threat. There are only 5 countries where abortion is prohibited. These countries are Chile, El Salvador, the Holy See, Malta and Nicaragua. The most strict abortion laws are adopted in developing countries. For example, there are 19% of developing countries that authorize aborti on on account of social and economic issues, 15% that allow it on request.In contrast, there are 78% of developed countries that let abortion for economic and social issues, 67% of them permit it on request. In the vast majority of countries, to have an abortion woman has to pass additional procedural requirements. It could be agreement of parents, the husband or third-party authorization, consultations, waiting period, categories of health providers permitted to perform abortions. However, it is essential to notice that this statistic is not absolutely clear, because not all countries give full information about abortion rate.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Law on Obligation and Contracts Reviewer

CAUSES OF EXTINGUISHMENT OF OBLIGATION 1. Payment or performance 2. Loss of the thing due 3. Condonation or remission of the debt 4. Confusion or merger of rights of creditor and debtor 5. Compensation 6. Novation I – PAYMENT OR PERFORMANCE PAYMENT means not only the delivery of money but also the performance, in any other manner of an obligation. How must the payment be made? 1. There must be delivery of the thing or rendition of the service that was contemplated. a. The debtor of a thing cannot compel the creditor to accept a different one although the latter may be of the same value as, or more valuable than that which is due. . In obligation to do or not to do, an act or forbearance cannot be substituted by another act or forbearance against the creditor's will. c. In obligation to give generic thing whose quality and circumstance have not been stated, the creditor cannot demand a thing of superior quality neither can the debtor deliver a thing of inferior quality. The pur pose of the obligation must be taken into consideration. d. If the obligation is a monetary obligation, the payment must be in legal tender. 2. The payment or performance must be complete. Exceptions: 1. If the obligation has been substantially performed in good faith, the debtor may recover as though there had been complete fulfillment less damages suffered by the creditor. 2. When the creditor accepts the performance knowing its incompleteness or irregularity and without expressing any protest or objection. Who must make the payment? Payment must be made by the debtor who must possess the following: 1. the free disposal of the thing due; and – the property must not be subject of any claim by third person. 2. the capacity to alienate the thing. – debtor must not be incapable of giving consent otherwise the payment is void. Payment by a third person The creditor is not bound to accept payment or performance by a third person EXCEPT in the following cases: 1. when there is a stipulation to that effect 2. when the third person has an interest in the fulfillment of the obligation (example: guarantor) Rights of a third person who makes the payment a. payment with knowledge and consent of the debtor 1. third person can recover what he has paid from the debtor 2. third person is entitled to be subrogated in the rights of the creditor b. payment without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor 1. e can recover only insofar as the payment has been beneficial to the debtor 2. he is not entitled to subrogation Payment by a third person who does not want to be reimbursed -The payment shall be deemed to be donation which requires the debtor’s consent. To whom shall payment be made? 1. to the creditor 2. to the creditor’s successors in interest 3. to any person authorized to receive payment Paym ent to an unauthorized third person General Rule: Not valid Exceptions: 1. Payment has redounded to the benefit of the creditor; 2. Payment is made in good faith to a third person in possession of the credit. Where payment must be made? 1. If there is a stipulation, then in the place designated. 2. If there is no stipulation a. to give determinate thing – wherever the thing must be at the time the obligation was constituted. b. to give generic thing or an obligation to do – domicile of the debtor Special forms of payment 1. Dation in payment (Dacion en pago) – it is a special form of payment where the ownership of a property belonging to the debtor is transferred to his creditor to a debt in money. 2. Application of payment – it is the designation of the debt to which payment shall be applied when the debtor owes several debts in favor of the same creditor. Procedure: . the debtor is given the preferential right to apply the payment designates the debt to be paid. 2. if the debtor does not make the designation, the creditor makes it by indicating the debt being paid in his receipt. 3. if neither the debtor nor the creditor makes the designation or application: a. payment shall be applied to the debt which is the most onerous b. if the debts are the same – to all debts proportionately 3. Payment by cession – it is the abandonment or assignment by the debtor of all his property in favor of his creditors so that the latter may sell them and recover their claims out of the proceeds. Requisites: . there must be two or more creditors; 2. the debtor is insolvent; 3. the debtor abandons all his properties 4. the creditors accept the abandonment Note: The cession or assignment operates only to authorize the creditors to sell the debtor’s property, hence, ownership is not transferred to them. 4. Tender of payment and consignation Tender of payment is the act of the debtor of offering to his creditor what is due him. Consignation is the act of depositing the sum or thing due with the judicial authorities whenever the creditor refuses without just cause to accept the same, or in the cases when the creditor cannot accept it. Effect of consignation duly made -The debtor may ask the judge to order the cancellation of the obligation. The obligation shall be extinguished after the creditor has accepted the consignation or the judge has declared that the consignation has been properly made. When consignation, without a previous tender of payment, will produce the same effect: 1. the creditor is absent or unknown or does not appear at the place of payment. 2. the creditor is incapacitated to receive the payment at the time it is due. 3. when, without just cause, he refuses to give receipt. 4. two or more persons claim the same right to collect. II – LOSS OF THE THING DUE A. Concept A thing is considered lost when it perishes, or goes out of commerce, or disappears in such a way that its existence is unknown or cannot be recovered. B. Effect on the obligation 1. Loss of a determinate thing General Rule: obligation is extinguished. Exceptions: a. when the loss is due to the fault of the debtor. b. when the debtor has incurred in delay. c. when so provided by law. (ex. The debtor promised to deliver the same thing to two or more persons who do not have the same interest. ) d. when it is stipulated by the parties. e. hen the nature of the obligation requires the assumption of risk. 2. Loss of a generic thing – the loss of destruction of anything of the same kind does not extinguished the obligation. C. Creditor’s right if the loss is caused by a third person – if the obligation has been extinguished by the loss of the thing, the creditor shall have all the rights of action which the debtor may have a gainst third persons by reason of the loss. III – CONDONATION OR REMISSION OF DEBT A. Concept Condonation or remission is the gratuitous abandonment by the creditor of his right. In plain language, this refers to the forgiveness of indebtedness. To extinguish the obligation, it requires the debtor’s consent. B. Kinds of condonation or remission 1. as to the amount or extent a. Total – when the total obligation is remitted. b. Partial – when only part of the obligation, or only the accessory obligation is remitted. 2. as to form a. Express – one made orally or in writing. b. Implied – one inferred from the conduct of the parties. C. Effect of condonation or remission 1. The remission of the principal debt extinguishes the accessory obligation. 2. the remission of the accessory obligation does not carry with it that of the principal debt. IV – CONFUSION OR MERGER A. Concept Confusion or merger is the meeting in one person the qualities or the character of creditor and debtor. B. Effect of merger when there is guarantor 1. Merger which takes place in the principal debtor or creditor benefits the guarantors. Both the principal obligation and the guaranty are extinguished. 2. Merger which takes place in the person of the guarantor does not extinguish the obligation, only the guaranty is extinguished. V- COMPENSATION A. Concept Compensation is a mode of extinguishing an obligation when two persons, in their own right, are debtors and creditors of each other. B. Kinds of compensation 1. as to amount or extent a. Total – when the debts are of the same amount. b. Partial – when the debts are of different amount. 2. as to cause or origin a. legal – it takes place by operation of law and extinguishes both debts to the concurrent amount even though the debts are payable at different places and the creditors and debtors are not aware of the compensation. Requisites: 1. That each one of the obligors be bound principally, and that he be at the same time a principal creditor of the other. 2. That both debts consist in a sum of money or if the things due are consumable, they be of the same kind, and also of the same quality if the latter has been stated. . That the two debts are due. 4. That both debts be liquidated and demandable b. Voluntary or conventional redemption – takes place by agreement of the parties, such as when they agree to the compensation of debts which are not yet due. c. Judicial – compensation ordered by the court. d. Facultative – compensa tion that may be claimed or opposed by one of the parties (such as when not all the requisites for legal compensation cannot take place) VI – NOVATION A. Concept It is the modification or extinguishment of an obligation by another, either by: a. changing the object or principal condition; b. ubstituting the person of the debtor; or c. subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor. B. Requisites of novation 1. there must be a previous valid obligation. 2. there must be an agreement between the parties to modify or extinguish the obligation. 3. the extinguishment of the old obligation. 4. the validity of the new obligation. C. Kinds of novation 1. as to object or purpose a. Real or objective – novation by changing the object or principal condition. b. Personal or subjective – novation by change of the parties (debtor or creditor). a) substituting the person of the debtor (always with the creditor’s consent) 1. Expromision – third person initiates the substitution and assumes the obligation even without the knowledge or against the will of the debtor) 2. Delegacion – debtor initiates the substitution, which requires the consent of all parties (original debtor, creditor and new debtor) b) Subrogating a third person in the rights of the creditor. Kinds of Subrogation 1. Conventional subrogation – change of creditor by the agreement of the parties. 2. Legal subrogation – subrogation by operation of law. 3. Mixed subrogation – change of object and parties to the obligation. 2. as to form a. Express – novation declared in unequivocal terms. b. Implied – when the old and new obligation are on every point incompatible with each other. 3. as to extent a. Total – the old obligation is totally extinguished. b. Partial – the old obligation still remains in force except as it has been modified. D. Effect if new obligation is void If the new obligation is void, the novation is void. In such case, the original one shall subsist. E. Effect if original obligation is void The novation is void if the original obligation is void. If the original obligation is void, there is no obligation to extinguish since it is non-existent.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Motive and Murder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Motive and Murder - Research Paper Example The physical evidence collected from the crime scene led the police to suspect O. J. Simpson who was ex-husband of Nicole Brown. They have divorced two years back. There were also incidents of domestic violence, which Nicole Brown informed to her family, and also to the police. Nicole’s Brown also blamed O. J. Simpson for killing Brown (Hunt, 1999). As far as Ronald Goldman was concerned, he just came for returning sunglasses of Nicole Brown’s mother, Juditha Brown who left them on a restaurant table. Ronald Goldman was a waiter at the restaurant, Mezzaluna Trattoria in Los Angeles (Linder, 2000). The case is still unsolved because O. J. Simpson, against whom all the evidence are obtained, has attained the services of influential defense team who have proved all the evidences as framed against Simpson. The investigative team relied on some proofs that they collected from the crime scene in order to convict O. J. Simpson for murdering his ex-wife and the waiter. Mueller (1996) informed that the investigators depended on three sorts of proofs. The first proof to analyze Simpson, being an important suspect, was his motivation for committing the murder. As per Simpson’s statement, he never wanted them to get divorced as he said, â€Å"I loved her, I didnt want us to separate† (Vannatter, 1994) but, he also realized that their relationship had been ‘a problem relationship’ (Vannatter, 1994). However, he was not happy for his separation. They broke their relationship for the second time. Afterwards, they got divorced. They also thought about some reconciliation and had tried it to work out for them, but they failed (Mueller, 1996). Simpson in his statement informed about his relationship, â€Å"we both knew it wasnt working† (Vannatter, 1994). Mueller ( 1996) also informed that Nicole Brown returned his ‘birthday gift’ and when they were at the dance recital for their daughter, Sydney, Brown excluded him from the family circle and also from the

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Enterprise Application Integration Competes with ERPs Research Paper

How Enterprise Application Integration Competes with ERPs - Research Paper Example As a result, the competition among businesses has augmented and organizations are putting their attention on supply chain synchronization and management to improve their corporate performance. On the other hand, for many years, ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) systems have been used for managing supply chain operations. In addition, the boundaries of ERP systems on integrated systems have directed organizations to look for innovative business management techniques to put together their systems as well as supply chains (Themistocleous, Irani, & Love, 2002). This paper presents a detailed analysis of enterprise application integration. The basic aim of this research is to show how EAI competes with Enterprise Resource Planning. Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) EAI (Enterprise application integration) is the way of integrating two or more tools or systems in order to allow them to work as one. In this scenario, EAI includes hardware, software and services. However, enterprise application integration systems are utilized to put together contrary systems, like that an older technology based system in which a huge investment has previously been made (it is usually known as legacy system) and a latest business application, like that customer resource management (CRM) system; in a particular business. Moreover, the enterprise application integration systems are implemented with growing rate to put together the corporate systems of a variety of businesses to allow business dealings among companies to take place electronically (Themistocleous, Irani, & Love, 2002; HostIP, 2012). EAIs and ERPs The need for implementing EAI arose in the 1980s when a lot of business organizations that had until that time implemented information technology (IT) to computerize a variety of company procedures began to assume that the incorporation of these business management applications could, along with other things, augment competence and build accuracy inside company procedures. In this scenario, many IT managers tried to redesign previously implemented business management systems and applications in order to build them as if they were integrated. Instances of these endeavors comprise attempting to carry out operational transaction processing (linked with enterprise resource planning system working and operations) on systems for informational data handling and processing. On the other hand, the enterprise resource planning systems, which included the functions of human resource management, accounting, manufacturing, distribution and other back-end operations or business dealings that do not openly engage clients, grew in reputation all through 1990s when the majority of large size corporations began modernizing their mainframe systems with the latest client/server based ERP systems such as People-Soft Inc., SAP AG, and J.D. Edwards & Co. However, to make these business management systems well-matched with their legacy systems, businesses turned to enterpri se application integration vendors for integration solutions (Themistocleous, Irani, & Love, 2002; HostIP, 2012; PeterIndia, 2012; MuleSoft Inc., 2012). Insufficient Nature of ERP Systems Managing supply chains and organization’s requirements to incorporate their applications on enterprise and cross-enterprise level is one of the complex jobs. However, for the incorporation of external and internal business tasks, companies are carrying-on

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Argumentative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Argumentative - Essay Example Reasonably, there are numerous feminisms, for example, socialist feminism, liberal feminism, standpoint feminism, socialist feminism and standpoint feminism. Nevertheless, there are several philosophies general to all feminist viewpoints. One philosophy is that sex is socially formed instead of being spontaneously created. This is by keeping in mind that hominids are genetic beings, where our genetic system affects who we are as men and women. Nonetheless, from a women's libber view, there exist a composite interaction between culture and biology and genetic attributes may be transformed by social or environmental settings. Feminism describes gender as arrange of social anticipations that are replicated and transmitted via an aspect of social acquiring. This paper entails an argumentative essay on feminism as social movement. (A-2) A second women's movement philosophy is that gender is a crucial organizing aspect within the social domain. Gender is entrenched in social interactions a nd processes of daily life along with all social establishments. At the organizational level, gender is molded by the economic and political structure of a society. In all societies, specific forms of gender norms prevail, and these norms can differ from community to community consequently more substantiation that gender is fashioned socially. Conferring to the feminist standpoint no sex is intrinsically superior to another. Conversely, the ethnicity of a civilization may instill one sex with a superior significance than another sex. For example in the Western and most other societies, masculinity (of traits and behaviors related to being male) is esteemed more hellish than feminineness (of traits and behaviors related to being female). The men, hence, are bestowed grander access to rewards and resources in these communities, solely because they stand out as (masculine) men. Therefore, discrepancy valuing produces gender bias (Curran 47). A common misunderstanding concerning feminis m is that it centers only on womenfolk or "females' issues." (B-1)Feminism's chief objective, from a theoretical outlook, partakes to review and refine the status of womenfolk in community, mostly since womenfolk and the traits and behaviors related to them have been ignored or devalued in the past. However, feminism distinguishes that male folk have gender, as well, and that even though virtually all men profit in a certain way through gender privileges. Some factions of men though, are underprivileged by other societal factors (Beauvior 2008). (A-3) The third protocol of feminism entail that gender discrimination does not represent the same outcomes for all men and women. This philosophy from a feminist view point scrutinizes how sex bias interconnects with other kinds of bias such as racism, heterosexism, social class bias, ageism, and discriminations built on mental and physical abilities that affect multiple factions of men and women differently. For example, a man who acts eff eminately is regarded as queer and is chastised for this peculiarity in various ways that incorporate social banishment; discrimination in occupation, housing, in addition to other areas, and at times even brutality. Correspondingly, deprived men folk of color hold less accessibility to societal rewards and resources than white respectable women do, since the undesirable consequences of social class and racism injustice around them overshadow the rewards of gender opportunity (Curran 67). (A-4) Since

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Business Strategy of Esprit Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The Business Strategy of Esprit - Case Study Example The Board has ten Directors, including the Chairman of the Board, five of them being executive and the other five being non-executive Directors, of the latter three are independent. Of the five executive directors one is Chairman and in charge of the overall corporate direction and strategy of the Group; another is Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Group and looks after a variety of areas, including production, organization, marketing, strategy and brand positioning; third is the Deputy Chairman, Group Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary and is primarily responsible for managing the Group's financial and legal functions, including strategic planning and corporate finance, investor relations, accounting and tax, treasury management as well as company secretarial affairs; fourth is the joint Chief Operating Officer of the Esprit brand and the global head of wholesale operations of the Group and fifth is the joint Chief Operating Officer of the Esprit brand an d the global head of retail operations of the Group. Thus, Esprit has a functionally divided organizational design at the top management rungs. Its senior management comprises of a Head of Global Licensing, an International Product Director Women of the Group, a Group Financial Controller, a Global Chief Organization Officer, and a Global Image Director. The operational bias in the design of senior management is apparent. The Group employs both full-time and part-time employees and has approximately 8,000 positions worldwide after converting the part-time positions into full-time positions based on working hours (Esprit AR, 2004-05).   Organization's environment Three groups of people from the environment of Esprit. Esprit ensures complete fulfillment of its Social Responsibilities in order to make a perfect gel with its environment. As a global company, Esprit believes in developing and maintaining sustainable relationships with all stakeholders. It exhibits this commitment by ac ting imaginatively and consistently in the communities where its employees, business partners, and customers live and work (Esprit AR, 2004-05). Responsibilities to Employees Esprit recognizes the importance of human capital. It has the belief that its continued success depends on the commitment, enthusiasm, and energy of its global staff. A positive and respectable working environment which enhances collaboration and cooperation between employees is sought to be developed at Esprit. Towards this end, all internal communications channels are left free and open for ideas and feedback from staff. As an instance of this policy stance LIVE ESPRIT campaign was implemented in the year 2004-05 with the aim of promoting team spirit and creating a global culture for all employees located around the world. Group's quarterly newsletters and the global intranet help improve company-wide communications and connect employees around the world to the Esprit family. Culture is to be an attractive co mpany for talented and motivated.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Make solar energy economical Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Make solar energy economical - Essay Example Solar energy technology is faced with engineering challenges however there follow ways of making it more efficient in its production, storage, and use. For example, most of solar cells today that is used for commercial purposes are highly made of silicon that converts electricity from sunlight, with less percentage of efficiency due to high manufacturing costs. Due to use of silicon material the cost of electricity production is three times higher which makes the engineering pauses need for cost-effective cells with low manufacturing costs (Simon, 2007). The current standard cells provide thirty-one percent efficiency due to use of silicon materials. Use of new materials for production by multilayer cells can increase the efficiency. There are also other ways of enhancing the efficiency of solar energy which includes the development of nanotechnology. This is the development of engineering structures which are effective compared to the use of molecules and atoms. This makes them effe ctive because one nanometer is equal to a billionth of one meter. Use of other materials like lead and selenium elements in the making of the cells which make a nanocrystal which is more cost effective and more efficient. With the use of standard cells, there is the production of excess heat when a photon releases an electron to carry the electric charge which makes it ineffective and inefficient enough. On the other hand use of nanocrystals made of selenium and lead elements produces extra electrons instead of heat.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Optimism and Health Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Optimism and Health Paper - Essay Example This article studies the impact of optimism on physical and emotional well being. In this regard, the article provides a detailed literature review and analysis, which takes into account quite a number of relevant studies and articles. The introductory part informs the writer about three different theoretical arguments on optimism. The first among these is that by Carver and colleagues who define optimistic people as individuals having a disposition towards optimism who indulge in more frequent protective attitudes, therefore they are not so vulnerable to stress and possess better coping strategies also. The second view point presented in this portion of the article is that of none other than Seligman, who argues that external, specific and stable positive attribution styles among the optimists contribute in optimists turning out to have better coping skills than pessimists. A third view point presented in this regard (Weinstein, 2005) states that optimism is actually a distortion of reality and calls it unrealistic optimism, which can occur either as a defense mechanism to protect one’s self esteem or due to cognitive factors like lack of insufficient knowledge or a poor critical insight. The main body follows the theoretical introduction. This is divided into four parts each under separate headings. The first part reports that researchers have found out that depression and suicidal ideation are inversely related to optimism (Velden  et al; 2007); and that psychotherapy which promotes optimism can enhance the mental health of people at risk, specially the post traumatic individuals (Giltay  et al; 2004). The second part is about optimism and physical health. Five studies are highlighted which support the conviction that optimism has a positive effect on physical health and helps in recovering from and preventing diseases like: AIDS, heart diseases and cancer. Some contradictory findings are also presented in this article. These findings suggest that though optimism may have a short term positive effect on health, it causes long term negative changes in the immune system due to unrealistic attribution style (Schofield  et al, 2004 & Tomakowsky  et al, 2001). The article also includes research that highlights the coping skills which optimists tend to use. Summarizing the fin dings of these studies; such coping styles include: acceptance of situation, positive assessment of situation and use of humor to lighten up the situation. Next section of the article deals with the impact of optimism on quality of life. Many studies have been reviewed by the authors in this regard. The findings of these studies suggest that optimists usually enjoy a better quality of life as compared to pessimists and score high on the physical as well as mental health related quality of life measures. The article further pursues the role of risk perception in optimism related physical and mental health. Most studies in this context revealed that optimi sts tend to perceive themselves as not being at risk or facing very little risk of diseases (McKenna  et al, 1993). The article ends with a concise conclusion that optimism plays an important role in the physical and mental well being of individuals. The authors have also recommended the use of psychotherapy that aims at optimism in order to reduce the risk of physical and mental health issues. 3. VALIDITY OF THE STUDY The article seems quite valid to me. It has covered

Sunday, September 22, 2019

How to bee agood leader Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

How to bee agood leader - Essay Example My research has shown me that task oriented skills as well as communication and interpersonal skills are very much necessary for effective team leadership. Similarly, facilitating the group processes is a significant role of the team leader and timely execution of the task necessitates proper planning, organization, coordination, decision making and problem solving skills, motivation, and sharing of roles from the part of the team leader. Besides, as a team leader I should be a good listener and communicator. I need to communicate my visions to the team members while listening to their valuable suggestions. As my major is in electrical engineering I would prefer to assume a team leader position in electrical engineering. I am aware that electrical engineering involves a lot of technical skills and that collaborative team work is very much essential while undertaking complex projects. Being a team leader is quite challenging as it offers one a unique opportunity to exercise one’s leadership qualities, communication, interpersonal and persuasive skills. For me, it is like a dream come true as I have always yearned to assume a leadership role where I can unleash my potentials. An effective team leader, in my opinion, understands the potentialities and competencies of his team members and inspires them to achieve the organizational goal. The team is most likely to benefit from my leadership as I am aware of the team processes and will make all possible efforts to expand the team capabilities through collaborative team work. Promotion as the workplace team leader has, in fact, increased my responsibilities and roles within the organization and this has prompted me to have greater understanding of the essential qualities of an effective team leader. Bachiochi et al, while reviewing the literature on team leadership, point out a number of qualities required of a successful team

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Poisonwood Bible Character Analysis Essay Example for Free

Poisonwood Bible Character Analysis Essay In the book The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver, the narration is done by five of the main characters: Orleanna, Rachel, Leah, Adah, and Ruth May Price. When analyzing the narrative led by Leah Price, a 14-year old tomboy, the reader may notice her progression from a young girl who idolizes her father and loves him more than anyone else, into a rebellious young woman who despises her father. Some of Leah’s more prominent characteristics are her compassion and devotion. These characteristics are portrayed from the very beginning when Leah follows her father around even saying that, â€Å"I know he must find me tiresome, yet I still like spending time with my father very much more than I like doing anything else† (Kingsolver 36). In that context, Leah is still a young girl, who basically worships her father and does everything he does, loves everything he loves, but he does not give her anywhere near that much love in return. This is also evident on pages 41-42; she goes on about how awesome her father is and how admirable he is, almost justifying her idolizing him. Also, Leah states that â€Å"His devotion to its progress, like his devotion to the church, was the anchoring force in my life throughout this past summer† (64). These things are very important because it shows just how much Leah’s persona is affected by her father, also how influential he is on her beliefs (with emphasis on religion). After one has read the book The Poisonwood Bible and begins analyzing the text, one may notice that in the first part, there are events between the females of the Price family, and the father. In Book One, Genesis, in Leah’s narrative, starting on page 64, she describes a situation where her and her sisters were accused of teaching Methuselah (their parrot) a bad word. Going on to page 68, it appears that the girls were not actually responsible, but the emotionally jarring part is in the second paragraph of that page when she says, â€Å"Once in a great while we just have to protect her,† and Leah goes on to explain how her mother is chastised by her father, for â€Å"sins of womanhood.† Consequently, it seems as though these happenings were just the flint and steel of a fire in the making, most apparently in Leah. The first notion of rebellion starts on page 101, Leah’s narrative, but the strike is on page 115 when she announces, â€Å"For the first time ever I felt a stirring of anger against my father for making me a white preacher’s child from Georgia.† This strike failed to start a sustainable fire, as obviously when she goes with her father to Leopoldville, and actually says upfront, that she and her father â€Å"have patched things up.† Also when she explains to Mrs. Underdown how her father knows what’s best â€Å"in the sight of the Lord,† and that they were all â€Å"privileged to serve.† In this case, it is two steps forward, away from her father, but one step back. Leah’s next big step forward comes in Book Three, The Judges, when she begins to truly doubt her father: If his decision to keep us here in the Congo wasn’t right, then what else might he be wrong about? It has opened up in my heart a sickening world of doubts and possibilities, where before I had only faith in my father and love for the Lord. Without that rock of certainty underfoot, the Congo is a fearsome place to have to sink or swim. (244) Kingsolver uses imagery, so the reader might begin to see what Leah is seeing, and relate to her statements; her doubtful mind of her father could be very easy for readers to understand, maybe not all are able, but those who are may create an attachment to this character. People might say that the world is a place full of lies, deceit, and pain. Others might say that truth, justice, and happiness are just as common, or need to be. Leah has a strong sense of justice, and she believes that her father provides just that, but then she starts asking, â€Å"What if he’s wrong?† and that opens her mind to imagine her father, who was everything she believed was good and right in the world, her idol, as someone who isn’t so great after all; he made a mistake. As a result of this, she rebels, and starts turning away from her father. â€Å"Leah is the cause of all our problems†¦Leah would rare up and talk back to Father straight to his face†¦Leah always had the uppermost respect for Father, but after†¦ they voted Father out, she just plumb stopped being polite† (335). That quote is from Rachel’s narrative in Book Four, Bel and the Serpent; she continues to explain how Leah’s rebellion against their father began when she tried to go hunting with the men. Eventually, Leah’s contempt toward her father caused her to leave behind everything she loved because he loved it, mainly her religion. She continued was always very intelligent, and she grew up and became a teacher, but she was still a tomboy at heart, and she was still devoted, not to her father, but to her husband instead. Leah Price, a 14-year old tomboy who once idolized her father completely, became a woman married to a man of Kilanga, who opposed her father; she no longer believed in the God of her father, she live d among the people of Africa and married an African man. She was no longer a duckling to her father, but her own complete person who had her own opinion and beliefs and independence.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Music in the 20th Century

Music in the 20th Century The 20th century is described as the period from 1900-1999, however, there is an inconsistency with the dates allocated to this period of music (20th century music). Most people believe the dates to be 1900-1940. This is because when people refer to 20th century music, they are referring to 20th century â€Å"classical† music (as opposed to jazz, rock, pop etc.).This period (1900-1940) is when the main works of the era were composed. There were many countries involved in the development of this era. Countries such as Germany and Russia (influenced neoclassicism) and France (influenced impressionism). Other areas, such as Argentina, Brazil and Latin America produced some important composers. Prominent composers in this era include; Igor Stravinsky, Claude Debussy, George Gershwin, Bela Bartok and Arnold Schoenberg. Although music from the 20th century is vastly different from previous eras, the composers were still influenced by elements of the past. They used a combination these elements and the other elements introduced in this era to create their own sound. There are five basic categories to describe the musical elements of 20th century music. These are melody, rhythm, harmony, texture and timbre/instrumentation. The melodies were wide-ranging, contained wide-leaps (much less vocal-centric), and were unbalanced and unpredictable. There was much less emphasis put on the melody and this meant the rhythms became more important. This is different from the previous eras except for the fact that the Baroque and Romantic eras also had hard-to-remember melodies. The rhythms in 20th century music became more complex. There were frequent tempo changes and the music used polyrhythms and other exciting and different rhythmic techniques. These polyrhythms can be seen in Charles Ives’ music. As men tioned before, there was more emphasis on rhythm in this era compared to the previous eras. The rhythms were also quite unpredictable. Other than that, these elements are quite similar to the romantic era and quite different to the classical era (steady tempo etc.). There were a few new harmonic techniques introduced in this era. These include the fourth chord (notes a fourth apart), the polychord (two chords played at the same time) and tone clusters. With regards to key, there was an increase in atonal (no home key) and polytonal (more than one home key) music and also the introduction of the 12-tone technique. There was an uncontrolled emphasis on dissonance and dissonant chords, similar to the romantic era, except dissonance in the 20th century was used way more frequently. This created a constant clashing sound/feel in the music that was almost unheard of in the classical and Baroque eras. The texture of this era was polyphonic and contrapuntal as opposed to homophonic. There w as more of an emphasis on increasing tonal range and on percussion and wind instruments as opposed to string instruments as seen in the previous eras. Their role was changed to that of a more percussive one, as seen in Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring. Electronic instruments were also sometimes used. This era was a time of revolt and change. Like any other period it is a change as a reaction to the previous ideas of the previous eras. At first these styles were not received well (causing riots at concerts), but eventually, people got used to the unconventional style of this era. It is quite different to the periods before it. The developments in this era include: more electronic instruments being used and developments in compositional techniques that completely disregarded previous rules or systems (while sometimes using elements for the previous eras). This can be seen in the development of the harmonic techniques. It was basically a time where each composer could experiment and create their own style and sound (e.g use of whole-tone and pentatonic scales). This was because they did not have to follow existing rules set out for them, like in the baroque and classical periods. Impressionism, as the name suggests, focuses on the impression of an idea that a piece of music evokes rather than having a clear description. This creates a soft, subtle, almost dream-like effect. The music has a colourful texture and uses unusual scales such as the whole-tone scale. It was influenced by the impressionist movement in France, which was an artistic movement. Many of the composers were influenced by the nature of the paintings themselves. Some say this movement was a reaction to late romanticism. Composers within the genre preferred to use short genres and forms such as preludes, nocturnes and arabesques. A prominent composer in this style is French composer, Claude Debussy. You can clearly see elements of impressionism in his composition, Clair De Lune from Suite Bergamasque. The piece has an overall dream-like effect and Debussy experiments with non-functional harmony. Even though it opens and closes with the tonic chord of D flat major, the root key throughout the p iece is unclear. There is a presence of dissonance and the rhythms are relatively complex. As mentioned before there is a use of unconventional harmony. Expressionism is extremely emotionally driven. It acts as reaction to the composer’s subconscious mind.† It was influenced/started by Van Gogh’s paintings. The music is not meant to be â€Å"pretty† or â€Å"pleasing to the ear .This is why some say it is a reaction to this positive characteristic of Impressionism. The music is very expressive, similar to the romantic period, so there are contrasts in dynamics and tempo. The melodies are also unbalanced with wide–leaps and complex rhythms. There is still a presence of dissonance and tonality has also basically been terminated. Some genres within this style include orchestral pieces and dramas such as operas, melodramas and one- act dramas. This was probably a popular genre because dramas are sure to evoke the strong emotion the music suggests. A prominent composer in this genre is Austrian composer, Arnold Schoenberg. He influenced the development of atonality and 12-tone technique. Many elements of expressionism can be seen in his composition, Erwotung Op.17 (1909). This composition is a score for his one-act drama, Erwotung. The music of the orchestra perfectly reflects the strong emotions of the main character (when she finds her dead lover) and the depressing story line, which supposedly has elements of dirty realism. This composition has no overall musical, rhythmic, melodic and harmonic structure (it is through-composed). It is atonal, as most expressionist music is, and it is still quite expressive. Neoclassicism is more â€Å"structural† than impressionism and expressionism. It is more balanced and places more emphasis on emotional restriction. This was influenced by the elements of the classical period and that is why it is called Neoclassicism. It was a reaction to the emotionally driven romanticism and expressionism periods. Germany and France were involved with the development of this style because of the composers it produced. Even though there was more structure, there were still elements of 20th music, such as complex/exciting rhythmic aspects. Similar to the classical period, genres within this style include symphonies, operas, chamber music, concerto grosso, fugue etc. A prominent composer within this style is Igor Stravinsky. He is a Russian composer who converted to this style after the 1920s. It is said that his opera, The Rake’s Progress, was the composition that concluded his Neoclassicism. This opera was set in the 18th century; therefore it gave wa y for classical elements in the music to be displayed. It is a 3-act opera that is based on the legend of Faust. Stravinsky uses counterpoint in this opera which indicates a contrapuntal texture. As with most of Stravinsky’s works, the rhythms relatively energetic and there is a melodic and harmonic diversity. The 20th century was a time of change and experimentation and 20th century music reflects that. The many styles and techniques that have developed from this one era and the non-existent limits that were put into place for composers reflects just how less structured the music was compared to the previous eras of music. (1314 words) REFERENCE PAGE An Analysis of Clair De Lune from Suite Bergamasque.Thomas Stones Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. . All about Romantic Music and Its Features.All about Romantic Music and Its Features. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug. 2014. . BBC News. BBC, n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2014. . Comparison between Romantic, Impressionist and Early 20th Century Music.Inkling. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug. 2014. Erwartung, Monodrama in 1 Act, Op. 17 Arnold Schoenberg | Details, Parts / Movements and Recordings | AllMusic.AllMusic. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. . . GMK notes: grade 11 and 9(SA and FR) â€Å"Igor Stravinsky.Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 09 Mar. 2014. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. Impressionist Music.Princeton University. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2014. . Leeuw, Ton De, and Rokus De. Groot.Music of the Twentieth Century: A Study of Its Elements and Structure. Amsterdam: Amsterdam UP, 2005. Print. Music Listening 20th Century.Flashcards. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Aug. 2014. . The Different isms of Music.About. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Aug. 2014. The Rakes Progress. Simple English Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Sept. 2014. . Three Musicians.Three Musicians. N.p., n.d. Web. 27Aug. 2014. . Music in the 20th Century Music in the 20th Century The 20th century music started around the time of 1900 – 1960. The simplest way to describe the 20th century is: the period of fundamental change. Different styles were popular in different areas. This type of music was very common in European countries, places like Germany and France were very involved in the creation of the era as well as composers in America. This era was a different era to any that had gone before, all music characteristics that were once part of the romantic era were completely contrasted to create the 20th century music which is emotionless yet evokes emotion. There were many famous composers during the 20th century such as Claude Debussy (1862 – 1918), a French composer; and Maurice Ravel (1875 – 1937) – they were known as the two â€Å"great† impressionist. As well as them was Igor Stravinsky (1882 – 1971) he composed neoclassical pieces. George Gershwin (1898 1937) an American composer incorporated jazz blues into h is pieces. These are just a few composers who tried to compose music which was out of the ordinary. During the transformation from Romantic era to 20th Century a lot of things changes. Suddenly some elements were more important than others. Where in Romantic era tonality was not as important it became more important in the 20th Century. Form was once important, especially in baroque, but in the 20th century it became less important. Rhythms however became an important part of 20th century music they were very different to the rhythms of the previous periods. Harmonies became more complex and new. The texture was predominantly the same but in some 20th century styles the texture would change often. George Gershwin, an American composer, was one of the composers that used new scales and harmonies in his pieces. He implemented jazz blues into his piece â€Å"Rhapsody in Blue†. The characteristics of the 20th Century music was new to everyone that lived in that time. Tone colour changed from having to blend to not blending at all and the use of percussion instruments increased. Melodies and harmonies too were no longer as they were. Chords were being used differently melodies were becoming unpredictable. There was less emphasis on the differentiation between consonant and dissonant harmonies. Composers started using the twelve-tone system a lot more often as well. In pieces such as Assez Lent by Maurice Ravel, you can clearly hear the change between the dissonant and consonant parts of the piece as well as the constant change in dynamic and the use of chromatic notes. Impressionistic music was mainly composed in the European area. The aim of this music was not to express emotion or to tell a story but rather to create atmosphere and allow listeners to create their own interpretations. This music style included many dissonant chords and an extensive use of whole-tone scales. Other characteristics such as differences in dynamics, continuous change in texture and frequent modulation was also used in this style. Claude Debussy and Maurice Ravel are the most well-known impressionist composers in the 20th century. A well-known composition composed by Ravel was The Pavane of the Dead Princess. The piece gained much interest through the image the title portrayed, it was suggestive â€Å"who is the dead princess?† the title is even more impressionistic as the piece is not about a dance for a dead princess but rather a young princess dancing to a pavane. Ravel’s opinion on the piece changed as he felt it was not original enough, that the ABACA form was too weak. Expressionisms is a style that originated in Germany. Its main feature was to create emotional within the listener. Expressionists attempted to create emotion through creating music that was different to what had been composed in previously. The lack of tonality and sharp melodies definitely created emotions within the listeners as it was completely different to anything that had been written in the romantic era. A well-known composer of this style is Arnold Schoenberg, creator of the twelve-tone system. Pierrot Lunaire, is a common composition of Schoenberg’s. You can tell that it is an expressionism piece through the use of twelve-tone notes, irregular rhythms and constant time signature changes. Neoclassicism is a music style that was predominant during the two world wars. It is a style in which the music contains characteristics and elements from musical styles of previous eras, most commonly classical. Some of these elements include balance form and lack of emotion. Although the music has imitations of the classical and baroque era, it still includes the new harmonisations and progressions found in the 20th century music. Neoclassicism was seen as a style going against the styles of the romantic period, it was not considered to be a protest or movement but rather it became popular for musicians to compose in this style. One of the most common composers of neoclassicism was Igor Stravinsky. He composed one of the first neoclassical pieces was The Rite of Spring. The public at the time rioted about the new style as it was completely different to everything they had heard before, the lack of harmonisation and dissonant sounds was displeasing and in that way evoked emotion alt hough negative at that. The 20th Century period was by far the most productive era. Everything that occurred in the 20th century changed to idea of music completely. What once was just strict harmonies and beautiful melodies could now be atonal and have no real structure. Even the sound of an audience could be considered music. This drastic change in music ideology has and will affect the way music is produced in today’s time. References Unknown: (ppt) 20th Century â€Å"ism† Dr Melanie Foster, 2009: Analysis of The Rite of Spring Three Musicians. 2014. Three Musicians. [ONLINE] Available at: Music History and Analysis. Atlantic International University: bachelor, master, doctoral degree. 2014. Music History and Analysis. Atlantic International University: bachelor, master, doctoral degree. [ONLINE] Available at: Neoclassicism (music) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2014. Neoclassicism (music) Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: BBC GCSE Bitesize: Expressionism. 2014. BBC GCSE Bitesize: Expressionism. [ONLINE] Available at: Impressionism. 2014. Impressionism. [ONLINE] Available at: Maurice Ravel The Elegant Impressionist. 2014. Maurice Ravel The Elegant Impressionist. [ONLINE] Available at: Program Notes Title. 2014. Program Notes Title. [ONLINE] Available at:

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Virtue of Discrimination Essay examples -- Virtues Discriminate Es

The Virtue of Discrimination Discrimination is a word that has taken on a negative connotation in today's society. Since the beginning of the equal rights movement, the perceived meaning of the word discrimination has shifted from that of a useful virtue to one of an insulting, derogatory word. Robert Keith Miller wrote an essay for Newsweek in the summer of 1980 that focuses on the discrepancies in the use of the word discrimination. â€Å"Discrimination Is a Virtue† points out the differences in the dictionary’s definition of the word discrimination and the perceived societal definition of the word. Miller explains the confusion of the word discrimination with the words discriminate against and worries that discrimination may be forever viewed as a fault rather than a virtue. He encourages his readers to not discriminate against individuals or groups, but to remember that there are still distinctions to be made (86). Robert Keith Miller presents a convincing argument for the necessity of discrimination by using a comparison and contrast argument to appeal to the readers emotions in his article â€Å"Discrimination Is a Virtue†. Robert Keith Miller was a writer for Newsweek in 1980. As a writer for a nationally renowned magazine, he can be trusted as a professional journalist. Miller writes his article â€Å"Discrimination Is a Virtue† for the readers of Newsweek. The audience of the magazine are predominately educated professionals in society. They are the very people that he is attempting to remind of the true definition of discrimination. Millers audience is intelligent enough to be able to realize the differences in â€Å"discriminating against† and â€Å"discrimination† but may be unaware of the problem this confusion is causi... ...then and personalize those points. His comparison of the dictionary’s definition of discrimination and society’s understanding of the word illustrate the contradiction at hand. The examples illustrate the need for discrimination in today’s society. He reminds us, even with the title of the paper, that discrimination once was and still should be an esteemed virtue. The use of discrimination in our decision making and policy’s is necessary for them to be as effective as possible. While this article was written over twenty years ago, its message is still relevant for today’s Newsweek readers. Discrimination is a virtue that each of us could use a little more of. Work Cited Gruber, Sibylle, ed. Constructing Others, Constructing Ourselves. Dubuque: Kendal Hunt Publishing Co, 2002. Miller, Robert Keith. â€Å"Discrimination Is a Virtue.† Gruber 85-87.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Nuclear Iconography in Post-Cold War Culture :: Culture War Nuclear Iconography Essays

Nuclear Iconography in Post-Cold War Culture I wish in this paper to sketch a project involving nuclear iconography and post-Cold War culture. At the heart of this project is the claim that the current historical moment forms a legitimation crisis for the scientific, military, industrial, governmental, and "cultural" institutions whose interests are configured in the design, manufacture, deployment, and "use" of nuclear weapons. Within this moment, a variety of progressive and regressive movements have been intitiated through the production and reception of nuclear weapons rhetoric. The role of visual iconography in nuclear hegemony has traditionally received minor attention (e.g., compared with the "nukespeak" of foreign policy, mass media news coverage, and literary works). Recent scholarly articles and books have attempted to correct this verbalist imbalance by examining the genres and discourses of nuclear art (e.g., painting), cinema and photography. Collectively, this work establishes that the Bomb is -- after W.J.T. Mitc hell -- an "imagetext" in which verbal and iconic discourses interanimate to produce ways of (not) seeing and forms of (not) feeling that have historically positioned cultural subjects in relation to the technologies, policies, figures, locations, events, and institutions (in both senses as "customary practices" and "formal organizations") which have constituted the nuclear condition . . . "Now Do You See It?": Post-Cold War Nuclear Iconography I am interested in the role of visual rhetoric in maintaining this "war of position" between military, environmental, arms-control, pacifist, industrial, scientific and federal interests [in post-Cold War culture]. Issues in this research include the nature of verbal and visual codes in nuclear representations (e.g., in critical disagreement over the success of nuclear landscape photography in evoking viewer knowledge of the deadly, invisible radiation which "really" suffuses its depicted objects), the uses to which images are put in various social contexts (e.g., in museum exhibits commemorating the Japanese atomic bombings), and the consequences of images for existing power relations between nuclear authorities and citizens (e.g., in legitimating the "accelerated" -- and arguably incomplete -- cleanup of contaminated nuclear weapons plants by federal agencies and their contractors) . . . . . . A preliminary survey of prominent nuclear weapons images suggests [this] "new" theme in this process, unique to the post-Cold War era . . . . . . "Museumification" This theme describes the inter-related processes by which the partially decrepit and moribund nuclear apparatus is being dismantled, appropriated, recycled, commodified, and memorialized in contemporary culture (e.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Patriot Act: Trampling on the Bill of Rights Essay -- US Constitut

Several weeks after the horrible terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, The Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism (USA PATRIOT ACT) Act was rushed through Congress by Attorney General, John Ashcroft. This particular Act, however, was established with a ruling hand of fear. Life for Americans changed dramatically in those immediate days, weeks, and months after the attack. America had been spoiled with luxury for so long, that the illusion of control had ingrained itself into our very nature as Americans. That act of terror, on September 11, 2001, brought that belief crashing down, almost immediately. Fear and anger were rampant though out America; a dangerous combination when it comes to charging out a Congressional bill. The scariest parts of The USA PATRIOT ACT, in my opinion, are not just the arguably unconstitutional sections proposed in the Act, but the timing and expedition of legislation. To pro pose a bill that remained indifferent in regards to sacrificing civil liberties for the sake of enhanced security. The Bill was voted in with near unanimity, 98-1 in the Senate and 357-66 in the House of Representatives near after. Considering the margins of the votes, it makes one wonder if anyone in Congress even bothered to read the bill. Perhaps a good portion of our legislators were fearful to look unpatriotic, by objecting a radical bill dubbed The USA PATRIOT Act. As an old phrase goes, the nail that stands-out, gets hammered. The congressional legislative process is supposed to be deliberately slow; ensuring that what is proposed is in fact constitutional. One of the more serious issues with the USA PATRIOT Act, is the ambiguity of crucia... ...e of the United States. Congressional acts with the means to side-step The Bill of Rights should be amended to protect any rights in question, no matter the current state of affairs. Arguments such as this paper are a crucial means to formulating a variety of perspective. Regardless of a person’s stance on The USA PATRIOT Act, we must take a look back into our history, and make sure we are honoring those who sacrificed so much more than we, for the civil liberties we have been afforded. Americans cannot allow fear to dictate the policies of our country, and should never allow our Congress or President use a National tragedy to proper un-amended, controversial policies. This is the United States of America, we can do better. "Where the people fear the government you have tyranny. Where the government fears the people you have liberty." (John Basil Barnhill 1914)

Monday, September 16, 2019

Western states

1. Earthquakes occur in various part of United States. The earthquakes that occurred across the country ranges in magnitude and the date of occurrences. Earthquake with highest magnitude that was recorded in history occurred in Alaska while the one with lowest magnitude occurred in the Idaho area of United States. From the national seismic hazard maps (2008) shows that certain area of united states are more prone to attack while some areas have moderate probability and while some region are at a lesser probability of occurrence.Western states such as California, Nevada, Oregon and Arizona are at higher risk of earthquakes while regions such as South Dakota, Wisconsin and Minnesota are at the lowest risk of earthquake occurrences. Those at moderate risk include Oklahoma, Arkansas and Missouri. The relative probability risk of earthquake occurrences ranges from the low risk central and northern region to the moderate region of some of the eastern states to the highest risk of the weste rn states or region. 2.On the map, the color of Houston Texas is relatively grayish showing that this region is at a lower risk or probability of earthquake occurrence within the next fifty years. 3. Data from the USGS in regards to the latest earthquakes in the world (showing that of the past 7 days in terms of their magnitude and the date of occurrence) indicate that distribution of earthquakes around the world is not even. The map shows 208 different earthquakes in relation to the time of occurrence and their magnitude.Regions such as the western part of the USA, the area of Alaska, Northern part of South America, some northern and eastern parts of Australia and the southern part of Asia shows earthquake experiences that are within the range of 5-7 magnitude and they can be felt. Around the some part of central Asia there are some scattered distributions of earthquakes which are of lower magnitudes and most are not usually felt. 4. The details of the earthquake that occurred on t he southern American continent are as follows; magnitude 5.0, location 12. 100 degree S, 75. 338 degree W, PERU region with location uncertainty of Horizontal +/_ 13. 5 km (8. 34); depth +/- 3. 4km (2. 1 miles). The earthquake occurred on Saturday, August 01, 2009 at 23:07:04 UTC. 5. I’m never going to be willing to live in those regions with higher probability of earthquake simply because â€Å"prevention is better than cure†. Having considering various social, environmental and economic impacts on the lives of people being affected by earthquake, I will never consider living in such red regions. 6.In situation where I’m forced to live in such areas I will consider some of the precautions that can help me and family to prepare and prevent ourselves from being affected by such disaster. Some of what I can do to help my family prepare for such situation includes the use of the USGS resources which helps peoples and family prepare for earthquake events. The resour ces that have been found to help in such situations are categorized into the following; †¢ How can I plan ahead for an earthquake †¢ What emergency supply do I need †¢ What to do during an earthquakeIn order for me to help my family prepare for such an event in the future if eventually I was forced to relocate to the red areas are as follows; I will make sure each of my family member knows what to actually do no matter wherever they are during an earthquake such as establishing a meeting point where we can reunite after afterwards, find out the preventive measure or plan by the children schools for an earthquake attack, and remember that transportation may be disrupted during the event hence there is a need to keep supplies whenever there is chance to do so.I will also try as much as possible to prevent any form of fire outbreak that might worsen the situation. This will be achieved by turning off all the units that can lead to leakage and subsequent fire incidence. I will immediately locate the fire and police station or any available emergency facilities for any rescue. I will also talk to my neighbor in preparedness for an earthquake so for us to know what we can do to help each other during and after an attack. I will also take special training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation and first aid processes. 7.The list of the most destructive earthquakes that occurred in the world are the earthquake that occurred in Pakistan in 2005 and that which occurred at Eastern Sichuan, China in the year 2008. The earthquake at Pakistan recorder about 86000 while that of the china recorded about 87,587 deaths. There are several missing bodies during both events and thousands of people became homeless after the events. This list of most destructive earthquakes shows that science is yet to be able to predicts or control earthquake because if they have the power or knowledge to do so, we ought not to have massive destruction like the two most recent earthquakes. 8. Seismograms is the seismological tool that scientist has been able to create to detect rumbling of the earth which usually indicate events going on within the earth layers and also the magnitude of a particular earthquake. What can be consider to be the main motivation for developing seismograms is the understanding of what lead to earthquakes that is the faults and the shakings that occurred within the ground which subsequently causes earthquake. They develop this tool so as to be able to detect this shakings and measure it magnitude. 9.This geological energy is different from biological in the sense that movements of the blocks within the earth result in the conversion of energy caused by the friction into the heat energy which subsequently contributes to the earthquakes while biological energy (which is measured in terms of calorie ) are usually derived from the chemical energy and not the frictional energy. The two forms of energy are similar in the sense that they can be con verted to heat energy. References Lisa,W. (2009). â€Å"The Science of Earthquakes†. Earthquake Hazard Programs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/kids/eqscience.php USGS, (2009). â€Å"earthquake preparedness†. FAQs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/faq/? faqID=79 USGS, (2009). â€Å"Earthquakes with 50,000 or More Deaths†. Most Destructive Known Earthquakes on Record in the World Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/regional/world/most_destructive. php USGS, (2009). â€Å"National Seismic Hazard maps-2008†. Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://gldims. cr. usgs. gov/nshmp2008/viewer. htm USGS, (2009). â€Å"Earthquake Facts â€Å". Earthquake Hazard programs Retrieved August 2, 2009 from http://earthquake. usgs. gov/learning/facts. php

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Significant Event Helen Keller

Throughout the course of Helen Keels remarkable life, there were many notable events that brought about significant changes to her life. One event that is particularly notable was her contraction of the Brain Fever in 1 882, as it completely changed the way she would live her life, view her life, and the way others would remember her life. In 1880, Helen Keller was born to Author H. Keller and Katherine Adams Keller.She was a healthy child who was born with her senses of sight and hearing, like all other children. At the tender age of 6 months, she had started to speak. When she was 18 months old, however, Helen Keller contracted an illness that produced a high body temperature. What it is exactly is not known, but many believe it could have been scarlet fever or meningitis. Some days after the fever broke, her mother noticed that she was not responding normally to sounds and light.When she had recovered her health, she could no longer see or hear. The early loss of her sense of sigh t and sound caused Helen to have only a limited method of communication with her family. It also caused her to become very wild and unruly as she grew from infancy to childhood, possibly due to her inability to express her emotions appropriately through language and proper communication. Due to the loss of her special condition, she was very hard to teach or discipline.Her mother searched arduously for suitable teacher, and later decided on Anne Sullivan, a recent graduate of Perkins Institute for the Blind. Their close relationship was known as a great contributor to Hellene success, but without the loss of her senses, none of it would have been possible. The illness she contracted at 1 8 months of age was the one event that led to many other events, like the meeting of Anne Sullivan, etc. If not for her disability, she might not have been where she was, in the end – a successful and inspirational woman to remember.

Channel of Distribution in Feasib

When a pet dies people do not know what to do with their remains, some choose to bury in the garden of the house, others choose to take them to a crematorium, others leave them in charge to the vet, and others unfortunately opt for the dump. But a little-known alternative, which allows for a more worthy use the remains of pets, besides being able to visit when you want, is to bury his remains in a pet cemetery. The main idea of the CePETery is that owners of pets, once they have buried their remains, to visit them in a calm and full of vegetation, and have a moment of reflection with their deceased pets. As for the CePETery, we offer to bury pets in graves containing small stones, where owners can let their pet’s dead flowers and souvenirs, and even put some pictures. To satisfy our customers, in addition to the funeral service, we could offer additional free services such as the funeral service, which includes the collection of debris and then a little farewell ceremony, and also provide free coffin of some memories. Also, in addition to our burial service, we could also offer the service of cremation, where after it; the owners handed over the ashes of pets in a wooden box. The burial service we will offer could range from a basic particular pit containing a small tombstone with the engraved name of the mascot, even more complex mass involving large stones where only the name of the pet, you can record any additional message . As we might accept pets in the CePETery, dogs and cats, could accommodate other types of pets such as rabbits, turtles, birds, hamsters, fish, etc. As for the charge for our service, the usual in this type of business is that the payment is annual, i. e. to be paid an annual rent for the pit and the maintenance needed. Finely, in terms of marketing, we could create a web page to advertise our business via the Internet; another alternative would be to make some agreement with veterinary, veterinary clinic, pet shop, and pet owners. For example, one where they receive a percentage of sales, and for every customer you refer each.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Underage drinking

Underage Drinking underage drinkers drink to look cool and It may be the social thing to do at the latest party or even at home; feeling curious a teen may consume alcohol to tit in with their surroundings. This can be due to the fact that the minor could be pressured into drinking. With all the popular media hype about alcohol and especially during the Super Bowl; it Just shows minors that it is okay to participate in drinking and if they do, this great boost will occur.The other cause to these other Influences could have already had happened, such as the childhood experience being abused by the runken father or alcoholic mother who does not nurture her children. Underage drinking Is detrimental to the health of themselves and others whom they affect: It Is an ongoing problem that continues, with the number of students Increasing each year Drinking underage can be linked to advertising that is very persuasive to the minors. These advertisements, some say target children, but the alc ohol companies deny.In efforts to prove the people wrong; alcohol companies have put forth their part into making an advertisement discouraging alcohol abuse. The advertisements ake the young minded minors to think drinking can put on physical attractiveness, It is fun, or gives special powers to make the person better at athletics. Some would soy the audience that Is targeted In the beer advertisements. such ds Bud Light, are Indeed minors, seeing an alcoholic beverage and having the appeal to take acuon are different. ne of the advertisements by Bug Light were shown on the super Bowl commercials ot people stranded on an island; they found a radio, but instead ot using it to find help, they found a cart of alcoholic beverages and showed them aving the best time on the island. The reality of this commercial is saying to teens, if you drink alcohol you will have the best time of your life. Especially, when those minors are being pressured into by their peers to take the shot, it make s the situation Into a more dangerous one.Having a party with friends Is one thing, but If that party host has access to their parents liquor stash It becomes d different party. â€Å"Rates are higher among 12th graders, with reporting at least one alcoholic drink during their lifetime, 43% reported at least one drink In the past 30 days, 28% reporting runkenness in the past 30 days, and reported daily use ot alcohol (Centers tor Disease Control and Prevention, 2008; Johnson et al. , 2009! ‘ (Song).These statistics are also closely related to my own experience, my own friends would come to the football game under the influence or go to the party this weekend which had alcohol. Drinking while in high school can also be lead to drinking in college, but the major dfference Is that alcohol is more demanding dt the college parties. Minor's consequences on whom drinks can also Increase their risk of unhealthy outcomes; uch as fighting one another. which can lead to Injuries, reckle ss sexual behavior and drlvlng under the Influence. hile many do not have parents who have alcohol at their house, there are many ways ot obtaining alcohol by having take ID's, by asking a stranger and giving them extra money for buying the booze for them; making college parties that much easier to obtain alcohol. â€Å"Researchers have identified a number of factors that contribute to adolescent alcohol use, including being male, having easy peers also drink alcohol† (Song). Minors receive biases messages about alcohol, it can e from the D. A. R. E program that educates the minors about the drugs and what it does to their bodies.The other messages could be from biased adults and popular media whom say one drink will not hurt, but the fact is that one drink can harm the body of the minor in psychological and physical ways. One of the counter arguments about underage drinking is lowering the drinking age to prevent binge-drinking at age 18 or 19 years old. â€Å"The problem i s that underage drinking is now forced off campus, leading to â€Å"a culture of dangerous, clandestine binge-drinking† (Alcoholism Drug Abuse Weekly). Having the law as it is, makes the drinking go farther than the campus walls.If the age at which people are legal to drink is lowered, then the developing minds that are affected by the alcohol can reduce the minor's chances of being successful. Having the age at 21 is good, not only does it prevent alcohol- related trauma, â€Å"But 10 percent of a state's federal highway funds are cut if the state doesn't mandate a drinking age of 21† (Alcoholism & Drug Abuse Weekly). Popular media, community norms, and peer pressure, all have a fundamental root cause to hy adolescents drink at such an early age, it is because of their childhood experience.In order to be able to understand why college students are drinking at such an early age, analyzing how they were raised and their family life can be a big factor. One's childhood e xperience can drastically take for the worst if their mother, father, or parental guardian is a drunk. Every night they would come home from drinking at the bar, see their child and tell them that everything is okay; the child would start to develop the idea that coming home drunk is an okay thing to do.The reason for the child's drinking at an early age would be to cope with such a graphic image of their parent figure drinking and acting out violently towards their loved ones, â€Å"First, it created physical and emotional stress, which participants believed could be reduced through alcohol use. Second, victims of abuse began â€Å"to stop caring† about what happened to them or what people thought about their behavior. Third, many abuse victims absented themselves in order to escape the abuse, removing themselves to unsupervised or risky settings where they were offered, or it as easy to obtain, alcohol and drugs† (Rothman).The turn to alcohol is easy with a motive, s uch as lessening or not dealing with the burden put on the child through the traumatization. The risks to drinking can be the underdevelopment of the brain, although the changes are subtle, over a long period of time it can be noticeable. The liver and the growth hormones are affected by the consumption of alcohol at the early ages; they tend to produce a lot of liver enzyme, which is indicating some liver damage and throwing off the hormones of the adolescent's puberty stage.With the umber of the population increasing, so does the student body, thus resulting in the pressures of drinking at an early age because of the ongoing problem with underage drinking. The cycle of underage drinking would occur, if the parents are young and are not ready to deal with a child; so when the child is growing the parents might be drinking because of the stress of dealing with the financial troubles if present. The problem on campus is not because the college students are doing it because they can, it is a variety of issues that causes them to take the drink at the college party.This problem is need of the utmost attention because it affects the student life on pressures of drinking or taking the load off. Its impact on the community is detrimental to their personal health, but also the safety of others due to the fact that driving under the influence can be fatal to not only themselves, but whom they cause harm to. Work Cited Rothman, Emily F. , Judith Bernstein, and Lee Strunin. â€Å"Why Might Adverse Childhood Experiences Lead To Underage Drinking Among US Youth? Findings From An Emergency Department-Based Qualitative Pilot Study.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Philosophical Skepticism, Existence of God, Knowledge and Metaphysics Essay

Philosophical Skepticism, Existence of God, Knowledge and Metaphysics - Essay Example Descartes made it evident to the scientific researchers that the basis of finding the truth is doubt. Within the context of skepticism and doubting for finding the truth, the phrase becomes easy to understand. It shows that Descartes doubted his thinking ability which is the proof of his presence and existence. In other words, it could be said that if one is longing to find out about his own existence then it is the proof that he is alive because he is skeptical of his existence. In addition to the understanding of the phrase, it is important to understand the way Descartes has implied his philosophical statement on himself. Descartes makes a clear supposition that he has different biological senses including his sight, his touch, his ability to smell, his ability to hear and to think. These senses connect him to the logical world where he yearns to find out the truth in science. In this way, Rene Descartes proved his existence to be truth of science. Thinking is the basis of Rene De scartes belief on existence of humans. In simpler words, Rene Descartes claims every human to be conscious who is able to think. 2. Hume and Kant: A dogmatic Awakening: Immanuel Kant, being a philosopher who raised the curiosity regarding the relationship of cause and effect and scientific laws based his final publication on the analysis of David Hume’s skepticism towards reason. Kant referred that David Hume has â€Å"awakened him from his dogmatic slumber† (Kant). In literal meanings, David Hume basically raised awareness regarding future metaphysics. He claimed that experiences that one would go through in the past are less likely to repeat in the future. It is basically the conscience of humans to categorize their experiences. The beliefs of cause and effect regarding experiences and past had prevailed over the years merely because of the supposition of their occurrence in the future. In other words, it could be said that Hume made it clear that there is no justifi ed ground in metaphysics that shows relation between cause and effect. It is merely a human’s habit or conscience that stresses on him to believe that there is a cause and effect to every experience that has undertaken in the past and is likely to happen in the future. Most of the critics believed that Immanuel Kant challenged by David Hume. But the real context to the statement was that justification by Hume provided a logical ground to the metaphysics knowledge where the dogmatic slumber is referred to the idea of uncertainty. 3. World through the lens of Descartes, Spinoza and Leibnitz: The world and its creation is a truth in itself which has influenced many skeptics such as Descartes, Spinoza and Leibnitz. In the flair of pursuit of truth, Rene Descartes believed that world was a home to physical bodies, God and mind. This may also refer to substance pluralism that he believed in more than one material. The world through the lens of Descartes is supposedly based upon the understanding of one’s mind. The curiosity to know beyond one thinking is only possible for the God. Second to the thought of Descartes, it can be said that Baruch Spinoza claimed that world was a setting of God who is present philosophically. It is the belief of a person to think that there is such a setting of God. Gottfried Leibniz claimed his notion regarding the world and the rational belief on knowledge. He mentioned that

Thursday, September 12, 2019

The relationship between changing of labor force(total labor number ) Essay

The relationship between changing of labor force(total labor number ) and Unemployment rate - Essay Example Majority of employees are either young or old. The labor participation rate for women is lower than originally estimated. Experts argue that the number of women in the labor force will increase as soon as the economy recovers. The labor participation rate often affects the unemployment rate in the economy. It is important to note that with lower labor participation rate, with the same level of unemployment, there will be lower unemployment rate(McBride 1). If the employment growth could continue, for example, 250,000 jobs a month in 2012, and the participation rate (63.7% in 2012), statisticians predicted a 7.3% fall in December 2012 (McBride 1). For this reason, the higher the labor participation rate, then there will be a reduction in the unemployment rate. This study will be useful in explaining why changes in the labor force will mask gains in the jobs situation (McBride 1). Currently, the unemployment rate has reduced significantly, since the Great Recession. However, the labor force has not changed. A research by McBride, he defined the labor participation rate as the percentage of Americans at the working-age, who are either working or looking for jobs. Statistics indicate that the labor participation rate is at a 35-year low. Many people lay the blame for this rate to the economy, which has not been constant. Experts argue that the fall in the unemployment rate is because of the decline in the labor force participation (McBride 1). Reports indicate that the US labor force has changed positively because of demographics. Additionally, the same reports indicate that the US labor force keeps shrinking. During the previous years, the unofficial unemployment rate kept dropping even though job creation has been relatively soft (McBride 1). For instance, during the past four months, the U.S government created 150,000 jobs a month (McBride 1). However, the unemployment rate has been dropping precipitously. What is the reason for this? From

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Please write a one page imaginary story reporting your company's Research Paper

Please write a one page imaginary story reporting your company's triumphant turnaround - Research Paper Example Furthermore, my company did not have an efficient marketing strategy that could enable it make some sales, hence achieving profitability. Based on these facts, my company was almost collapsing, to the point of almost being declared bankrupt by the courts. To prevent the company from being declared bankrupt, the management had to seek a partnership with Orange Inclusive, a technological company responsible for the production of computer software. Orange is a multinational company with branches all over the world, and hence it was a viable partner for my organization (Robbins and Coulter, 2005). Furthermore, the company was engaged in developing soft ware products, and hence Carlstron could use the technology of the company to improve its mobile handsets, and develop smart phones with the capability of competing with Apples and Samsung. The partnership between Orange and Carlstron was a merger, with Orange paying off all the debts of Carlstron. This move proved to be very successful, because the company was able to innovate and improve on the quality of its phones, introducing android technology, and special features such as internet games and social networking sites in the phone. Furthermore, the Carlstron improved on its marketing strategy by centering on a theme, Smart phones, for smart people. On this basis, the customers of the organization identified the phones with smartness. This made it possible for the organization to increase its market share, and profits once again. Carlstron is now a successful company, operating under Orange

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Develop Quality Management Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Develop Quality Management Project - Essay Example Project planning is a subset of overall business planning. As Haus (2011, p. 1) states, â€Å"a project management plan is the planning document, capturing the entire project end-to-end, covering all project phases, from initiation through planning, execution and closure†. In project planning, managers define the set of goals and objectives, the results they want to accomplish, and the processes that will take place to reach the results. Along with this, managers also take an estimate of the tools and resources required to complete the project. Project planning in water desalination companies is not an easy task, as it requires a complete synchronization between different business activities. Some of the main steps involved in project planning include defining the approach, sequencing the tasks to be performed, defining dependency between tasks, estimating budget and resources, identifying the tools and techniques required to complete the project, identifying the risks, taking actions to minimize the risks, and ensuring and controlling quality of processes. In this paper, the company will present a project plan for a water desalination company as per PMBOK framework. 2. What Is Water Desalination? According to Duan (2012), desalination means to make seawater free of contaminants and salt. Water desalination refers to the process of removing salts and other minerals from seawater to make it useable for humans. Seawater is not in a form suitable for humans as it contains salt that affects metabolism and causes hallucinations, nausea, and vomiting. Along with salt, seawater also contains aluminum, iodine, potassium, bromine, and substances released from seawater organisms (Underwood n.d.). Therefore, water desalination companies purify seawater in order to bring it in use of humans without any harmful effect. There are different levels of saline in seawater that have the tendency to affect human body, as well as the cost of water treatment. Scientists measu re the level of saline in parts per million (ppm). Seawater usually contains big amount of salt that ranges from 35,000 ppm to 150,000 ppm and even more. As Aintablian (2011, p. 1) states, â€Å"the more concentrated saline is in a body of water, the more energy and effort it takes to desalinize it†. Human beings can only use water which has the saline level of less than 1000 ppm. Such water is also considered safe to use for household and agricultural purposes. Therefore, companies use a number of effective water desalination methods to purify seawater. The water desalination unit deals with the purification of seawater using effective water treatement methods. Some of the famous water desalination methods include reverse osmosis, forward osmosis, electrodialysis, thermal desalination, multistage flash distillation, and multiple effect distillation. Let us now develop a project management plan for the water desalination unit of a water treatment company. 3. Name of the Compa ny The name of the company for which the project management plan will be developed is Crystal Water Company. The company deals with two key water treatment areas, which include wastewater treatment and water desalination. In this paper, the focus will be on the preparation a project plan for the water desalination area. 3. Plans To Be Included In this paper, the company will cover four key areas of project planning which include quality management plan, human resource management plan,

Monday, September 9, 2019

Research papers Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Papers - Research Paper Example The HRD helps in polishing up the performance of the employees by providing them expertise training, which contributes to the better performance of the organization. The main purpose of HRD is to enhance the organizational performance contributing in productivity of the company (Richard & Et. Al., 1996). HRD not only helps in enhancing the performance of the employee but also is important factor in the establishment of relationship among the existing HR policies (Richard & Et. Al., 1996). The mission of Mace Ford organization is to organize the people working together for the global automotive leadership, as one team involving customers, dealers, councils/unions, employees, investors, suppliers and community (Ford Motor Company, 2011). The HRD of the company follows many practices of human resource development processes such as 360 degree appraisal. The 360 degree appraisal helps to understand the employee needs more briefly because the approach tends to engage the employees directly. In 360 degree process, feedback is obtained providing the HRD a better way in operation. The HR practices adopted by Ford maximize the competencies, commitment and abilities of the organisation’s employees. HRD should provide the workers of the company with customer service training which focuses on customer satisfaction intended to increase the market share of the company. HRD mostly deals with people of an organization so as to improvise better performance from individual employees. Career development should be enlisted by HRD in the organization through the implication of functioning Internal Job Posting (IJP). These practices would result into customer service excellence, one of the main missions of the company. HRD should emphasize more on team effort, developing healthy and friendly work environment. HRD should provide training on recognizing the importance of customer needs and meeting them. Every

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Pure Competition & Monopolistic Competition Research Paper

Pure Competition & Monopolistic Competition - Research Paper Example A firm in a perfect competition shows complete elasticity to price fluctuations. Also, marginal revenues are equals to average revenues and market demands. It is the demand which causes shifts in average and marginal revenues in the short-run. Changes in market demand and supply lead to price fluctuations (Reynolds). 2.3Profit Maximization in the Short-Run For a firm in a pure competition, the difference between total costs and total revenues represent profits. For a firm to earn maximum profits, ability to control and react to marginal costs and revenue functions is important. If a firm can identify the level where marginal costs (MC) can be equals to marginal revenues (MR), profit can be maximized by increasing the output and number of units sold. It is important to note that in a short-run, Average revenue (AR) is equals to marginal revenue (MR) which also represents market price. Furthermore, the firm is intended to increase profits and not revenues. Therefore, a firm is required to produce and sell additional goods in order to reduce marginal costs (MC). The lower marginal cost would lead to lower average costs and the difference between average costs and revenues would indicate final profits of the firm. In short, if marginal costs (MC) are equals to marginal revenues, the firm is earning maximum profits. In a scenario where these two variables are equal or MR is higher than MC, the firm should produce more and vice versa (see Fig 1). In a short-run, the maximum loss that a firm can bear is its fixed cost.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Nursing theory Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Nursing theory - Assignment Example I see evidence-based practice as presenting an important for nurses to break away from past practice of nursing where nurses applied minimal professional knowledge with most of their interventions based on their subjective judgment on what they liked or disliked. Consequently, evidence-based practice trends in the delivery of quality nursing care has led to improved practice as decisions are now based on application of body of knowledge that focus on understanding and knowing patients and their health experiences, knowledge of research process essential in providing best interventions in particular cases. Among the theories that have contributed to the development of evidence-based, practice in nursing care is theory of interpersonal relations postulated by Peplau. Peplau’s theory focuses on the interaction of the nurse and the patient with the objective of ensuring nursing practice is therapeutic since it is a healing art. Through the theory of interpersonal relations in nursing, nurses and patients are perceived as individuals whose collaboration would lead to achievement of a common objective. Peplau prominence of the theory in nursing practice is influence by research findings suggesting that communication is important in establishing professional relationship between the nurse and patient and contributes to the nurse and patient learning and identifying the best approach in improving patient’s condition (Lubkin and Larsen, 2006). Introducing concepts in theory of interpersonal relations in nursing practice will therefore constitute evidence-based practice, as the n urse will relay on research to make an educated decision. The development of nursing theory has contributed to the improvement of nursing education, nursing research and nursing practice as practitioners seek effective and efficient interventions for conditions presented by different patients. Since the